Thursday, October 15, 2009


Psalm 139:13-14
For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.

I pray that America, the great heroine of the poor & forgotten will remember where we came from. We didn't evolve from apes~we're fearfullly and wonderfully made by our creator who knows each hair on our heads! Sadly there are beautiful souls in the wombs of Americans who are the greatest among the world's forgotten. Why anyone would choose to silence them is hard for me to understand. Our country cries we want to have a right to choose, but those without a voice have no choice! They're condemned to die because they're simply a mistake, a lump of tissue, an inconvenience, a financial burden? It's really mind boggling that America goes into 3rd world countries to adopt their babies while here at home we choose to exterminate ours! Sadly we justify our actions by thinking we're doing the right thing! Some say, "Why bring an unwanted child into the world"? We're an educated society, but we don't want to take responsibility for our actions. There are other choices to those who choose to be irresponsible. We have all the resources at our fingertips. Crisis pregnancy centers offer free medical care and many who support Life, are willing and passionate to do whatever it takes to care for an unwanted child. Over 12 Million gone since the year 2000~please stand with me in prayer and whatever else you're led to do to stop America's Choice.

In Christ Alone

Monday, March 16, 2009

You get what you get & You don't throw a fit!

I teach at a Pre-School and, "You get what you get & You don't throw a fit!" is a familiar saying we use with the children when we're passing things out and controversy arises over a certain color or type of whatever it is that's being presented.  You may think well it's Pre-School and that's to be expected, because hey they're just kids right!  Well I've been thinking about it and it's really about much more.  It's about who we are as people and we bigger kids in general.  It's this little monster that's green in color and no matter how big or mature we get, we always want what someone else has.  The grass always seems greener in our neighbor's yard so to speak.  The late Erma Bombeck wrote a book called, The grass is always greener over the septic tank.  In other words, what others have that looks so great may not be all that great at all.  In these days of lost jobs, homes, and broken families, I'm finding myself reassessing what I have and what I think I need.  What I have is something that money can't buy in any store or on Ebay.  I have a promise of a future and a hope~the assurance of heaven through Jesus Christ who died so I could live with Him in paradise.  The world is fading fast along with all it's insecurity, but God and His Kingdom will not fade.